I occasionally pop ponderings on my private Facebook page and I thought you might like this one:
This is me - 51 and postmenopausal. I take HRT when I remember, plus iron (so I can give blood) and Vit B.

I frequently have disturbed sleep so I'm accustomed to a nap during the day if needed.
I enjoy helping others, be it through work or volunteering for Penruddock Village Hall.
I've numerous lumps linked to Dupuytrens, plus Reynaulds, but neither stop me doing what I enjoy.
I can often have a dippy brain and not grasp something, or forget a name/item/why I'm in a room.
I'm proud of what I've achieved through my work, now need to keep a check on a healthy work/life balance.
I have a great family plus friends who join me on adventures and support me through life.
We are who we are, and we end up where we are through chance plus life choices.
I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was young. I was good at maths so followed that route but something was missing, so I followed my passion.
Initially helping people find outdoor activities, then helping people be fit enough to get the most out of life.
It really doesn't matter what you choose to do, but remember if you're not happy, then make a change. What ever your age.
Photos of today's walk up Blencathra.