"Those are dark clouds," said the boy. "Yes, but they will move on," said the horse, "the blue sky above never leaves." The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy.
I love this quote. We may not currently be able to do all the things that we want to and things might feel a bit glummy, but brighter days are coming.
So, get out to enjoy the sunshine, make the most of each day, join others online, catch up with a friend outside, move and feel good about yourself.
Since the first lockdown many months ago, when I hesitantly added a couple of Zoom sessions to the timetable, things have moved on and now I offer:
10 group classes online, plus recordings to catch up at any time.
Online personal training; its amazing how little tweaks can make you move better.
Private online group sessions; tell me what you want and get your friends together.
If you are worried about trying online then get in touch and I will run through the set up with you. And as many have commented, it is not as hard as they thought it would be.
So for now, although face to face sessions are on hold, there is still lots on offer.....and they to will be back .....one day.
Stay positive, stay safe and keep moving!
