Earlier this year a friend challenged me to sign up to the Cold Water Challenge organised by Cancer Research UK (a 30 sec cold shower or swim each day in November).
I knew I could do the swim, but on busy days could I stand in a cold shower for 30 secs? I wasn't sure but was up for giving it a go.
I'd recently listened to Michael Mosely's pod cast on the health benefits of cold water showers and so knew it would be good for me.
The benefits of cold water include:
It boosts your immune system
It gives you a natural high
It improves your circulation
It burns calories
It reduces stress
And do you know what? I managed it!

It wasn't always easy. Some days I had to swim in the dark, other days when it was very choppy. But the group of ladies I met during the challenge have been so supportive. And my family even joined for a few dips.
I'm now looking for a challenge for January, as I find challenges motivate me to step out of my comfort zone and find that glow of accomplishment.
Find something that will push you, to challenge you...you'll love it!
