Every Christmas it is the same. I eat and drink more than normal plus exercise less. But this is ok. I enjoy it and just get back to normal in the New Year if not before.
That said, I do like a little challenge to get things kick started. Not just in January but at anytime that I fancy picking things up a gear.
And because a challenge is at a set time and for a set duration, for me it's more do-able and get's me started.
During the last year I completed a Cold Water Challenge and also a Seize The Day Challenge. The first being organised by Cancer Research UK and the second one I just fancied doing, with donations to Blood Cancer UK. Over £1,500 being raised for these charities.

A challenge can help set new routines and habits. For example I am still swimming in Ullswater twice a week. Or be a once off like the run a mile every hour for 24 hours. Not in a rush to do that again.
So if you've struggling to get started, or to stay motivated long enough to see results, then why not set yourself a challenge with a deadline or sign up to one of the following:
Take on 250 of anything to raise money for RNIB
Run a month of miles for Diabetes UK
Stop drinking alcohol or walk 10,000 steps a day for Cancer Research UK
100 miles in 100 days for Epilepsy Society
Run 50 miles or 50 km for Blood Cancer UK
Run your age for Age UK
Drink only water for Christian Aid
If you don't want to run but fancy a challenge then walk it instead. Remember this challenge is your challenge. So set accordingly. And it doesn't have to be active. You could choose to do say a watercolour each day, or play the piano for 30 mins each day.
I personally am going to set myself a double challenge:
To only drink water in January for Christian Aid. I would like to see how my mood, skin, sleep changes by focusing on drinking water, plain and simple water.
I nearly didn't sign up to this one due to a particular event in January however if I break the challenge for a cup of tea once in the month and then do an extra day, I'm good with that.
To run a marathon in January for Diabetes UK. I do enjoy running but don't always give myself time to get out, and with a now elderly dog, walks do not happen as they used to, so this will motiviate me during these darker days.

If I raise funds for these charities great. However, I am really doing this for me.
Links to donation pages are here:
Christian Aid - Drink only water for a month South Sudan is facing more frequent and more severe droughts due to the climate crisis. Money raised could help a community build a local borehole, providing clean, safe water to drink, whatever the weather.
More people than ever are living with diabetes, and more people than ever are at risk of type 2 diabetes. If nothing changes, it is predicted that 5.5 million people will have diabetes in the UK by 2030.
Let me know if you decide to set yourself a challenge in either January or at any time. I'm always interested in what you are up to and happy to help motivate you in any way I can.